Pertinent information on academic research, monitoring, best management practices and regulatory requirements may not always be readily accessible to conservation practitioners and the general public.
The Long Point World Biosphere Reserve has set out to provide public access via the creation of a comprehensive, searchable web-database that will enable conservation practitioners to access information that will assist them in implementing the best management practices to ensure effective ecosystem and resource management, as well as conservation and restoration.
Through acquiring special permissions from local organizations, the LPWBR has started to compile research papers, grey literature, case studies, guiding regulations, and relevant legislation which have been made publicly accessible through one database.
If you, or an organization you know would be interested in contributing to this public database by sharing publications, grey literature, case studies or documents you feel contribute to the maintenance and management of the LPWBR please contact us.
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- Biodiversity Monitoring
- Biosphere
- Birds
- A Cross-Canada Comparison of Mass Change in Birds During Migration Stopover (2002)
- A Natural Heritage Assessment of Forests Owned by the County of Norfolk Based Upon Breeding Bird Inventories (2003)
- Age-related Differences in Body Mass and Rates of Mass Gain of Passerines During Autumn Migratory Stopover (2002)
- Allard-et-al -2008-Prebasic-Moult
- An East-West Comparison of Migration in North American Wood Warblers (2005)
- An Overview of the Forest Bird Monitoring Program in Ontario, Canada (1995)
- Annual Survival Rate Estimate of Satellite Transmitter – Marked Eastern Population Greater Sandhill Cranes (2015)
- Ashley-2006-Black-Duck-Age-Determination
- Ashley-et-al -2007-Black-Duck-Wing-Moult
- Ashley-et-al -2010-Black-Duck-Harvest
- Associations Between Breeding Marsh Bird Abundances and Great Lakes Hydrology (2008)
- Badzinski-2003-Dominance-Relations-in-TUSW
- Badzinski-2005-Social-Influences-on-Migrant-TUSW
- Badzinski-Ankney-Petrie-2006-TUSW-SAV
- Badzinski-et-al -2008-BC-Birds
- Badzinski-et-al -2011 Waterbirds TUSW2
- Badzinski-Petrie-2006-LESC-GRSC-Diets
- Badzinski-Petrie-2006-LESC-Nutrient-Reserves-Dynamics
- Badzinski-PhD-Thesis-2003
- Badzinski-Timmermans-2006-Common-Loon-Productivity
- Bailey-Petrie-Badzinski-2008-MUSW-Diet-on-LGL
- Barney-MSc-Thesis-2008
- Biology and Conservation of Owls of the Northern Hemisphere (1997)
- Bird Banding in Ontario: An Analysis of Five Years’ Records, 1960-64
- Birding Trail Development from a Tourism Planning Perspective (2012)
- Birds Disperse Ixodid (Acari: Ixodidae) and Borrelia burgdorferi-Infected Ticks in Canada (2001)
- Bowen-Petrie-2007-LGL-Swan-Artifact-Ingestion
- Climate Change, Spring Temperatures, and Timing of Breeding of Tree Swallows in Southern Ontario (2003)
- Craigie-Petrie-2003-Tundra-Swan-Moult
- Demendi-Petrie-2006-Shot-Ingestion-in-Scaup
- Do Feeder Counts Reliably Indicate Bird Population Changes? 21 Years of Winter Bird Counts in Ontario, Canada (2002)
- Edge and area effects on the occurrence of migrant forest songbirds (2005)
- Effects of Predator Exclosures on Nesting Success of Killdeer (1982)
- Et-al -Petrie-2010-TUSW-pop-structure
- Hooded Warbler research in St. Williams Forest, Ontario (2003)
- Identification of Summer Origins of Songbirds Migrating through Southern Canada in Autumn (2006)
- Insemination of Tennessee Warblers During Spring Migration (1989)
- Interactions Between Marsh Bird Population Indices and Great Lakes Water Levels: A Case Study of Lake Ontario Hydrology (2003)
- Jobin Bartok BITTERNS WJO 2103
- Knapton-and-Pauls-1994-American-Wigeon
- Knapton-Petrie-1999-SAV-Waterfowl-at-LP
- Knapton-Petrie-Herring-2000-Waterfowl-Disturbance-at-LP
- Landscape size affects the relative importance of habitat amount, habitat fragmentation, and matrix quality on forest birds (2011)
- Lead Pellet Ingestion and Liver-Lead Concentrations in Upland Game Birds from Southern Ontario, Canada (2008)
- Least Bitterns Occupancy Dynamics And Detectability Manitoba, Ontario, and Québec (2013)
- Male and Female Parental Care in Tree Swallows (1986)
- Meyer-et-al 2012 Ontario-Birds Lowres1
- Meyer-MSc-Thesis-2003
- Mid-summer Bird Notes from Long Point, Norfolk County, Ontario (1935)
- Notes on the migration of the Saw-whet Owl (1911)
- Petrie-2000-WFWD-Food
- Petrie-2005-Spring-Condition-of-WFWD
- Petrie-Badzinski-Drouillard-2007-LGL-Scaup-Contaminants
- Petrie-Badzinski-Wilcox-2002-TUSW-Habitat-Use-at-LP
- Petrie-Francis-2003-MUSW-Increase-on-LGL
- Petrie-Knapton-1999-Mussels-Waterfowl-Predation
- Petrie-Rogers-2004-WFWD-Nutrients
- Petrie-Wilcox-2003-TUSW-Satellite-Tracking
- Plumage colour is associated with partner parental care in mutually ornamented tree swallows (2016)
- Polygyny in Tree Swallows: Response to R. E. Simmons (1986)
- Prey Size Selection by Tree Swallows (1985)
- Prince-et-al -1992-Waterfowl-Use-of-GL
- Raeside-Petrie-Nudds-2007-Duck-Abundance-Diversity-in-South-Africa
- Recovery Strategy for the Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus circumcinctus) in Canada [Proposed] (2006)
- Recovery Strategy for the Prothonotary Warbler (Protonotaria citrea) in Canada (2011)
- Richman-et-al-2015-Ecological-Implications-JAE
- Ross-Petrie-Badzinski-Mullie-2005-Diving-Duck-Diets-on-Lake-Ontario
- Schummer-et-al SeaDuckLipidsandForaging 2012
- Schummer-et-al -2009-Selenium-in-L -Ont -Sea-Ducks
- Schummer-et-al -2011 Mute-Swans
- Schummer-et-al -2011 SeaDuckArtifactIngestion
- Schummer-et-al -2012 Wetlands
- Schummer-et-al 2014
- Schummer-et-al- AECT-2011 Loon-Contaminants
- Schummer-Petrie-Bailey-2008-Diet-Overlap-Diving-Ducks
- Schummer-Petrie-Bailey-2008-Diving-Duck-Food-Availability
- Seasonal Abundance and Species Richness of Birds in Common Reed Habitats in Lake Erie (2010)
- Sexual size dimorphism and timing of spring migration in birds (2003)
- Sources Of Variation In Growth Of Tree Swallows - Quinney Et Al 1986Sources of Variation in Growth of Tree Swallows (1986)
- Temporal and Spatial Patterns in Daily Mass Gain of Magnolia Warblers During Migratory Stopover (2000)
- The Destruction of Birds at Long Point Lighthouse, Ontario, On Four Nights in 1929 (1930)
- The Effects of Light Characteristics on Avian Mortality at Lighthouses (2003)
- The effects of selective logging on nest-site selection and productivity of hooded warblers (Wilsonia citrina) in Canada (2002)
- The Influx of Black-Capped Chickadees at Long Point, Ontario in the Spring of 1962: A 35-Year Perspective on an Unusual Event (1996)
- The Piping Plover in the Great Lakes Region (1983)
- The Relation Between Food Abundance and Reproductive Performance of Tree Swallows (1983)
- The Use of a Heligoland Trap and Mist-nets at Long Point, Ontario (1961)
- Tree Swallows Cross a Polygyny Threshold (1983)
- Trends in Numbers of Migrant Birds at Long Point Bird Observatory (1961-2004) and Thunder Cape Bird Observatory (1995-2004)
- Using Decline in Bird Populations to Identify Needs for Conservation Action (2002)
- Ware-et-al -2013-Lift-Net-for-Capturing-Diving-Ducks1
- Cultural and Ecosystem Stresses Workshops
- Environment
- Fish & Water
- Herptiles
- Invasive Species
- Invertebrates
- Long Point Environmental Folio Publication Series
- Mammals
- Norfolk County Resource Library
- Waterfowl