Pertinent information on academic research, monitoring, best management practices and regulatory requirements may not always be readily accessible to conservation practitioners and the general public.
The Long Point World Biosphere Reserve has set out to provide public access via the creation of a comprehensive, searchable web-database that will enable conservation practitioners to access information that will assist them in implementing the best management practices to ensure effective ecosystem and resource management, as well as conservation and restoration.
Through acquiring special permissions from local organizations, the LPWBR has started to compile research papers, grey literature, case studies, guiding regulations, and relevant legislation which have been made publicly accessible through one database.
If you, or an organization you know would be interested in contributing to this public database by sharing publications, grey literature, case studies or documents you feel contribute to the maintenance and management of the LPWBR please contact us.
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- Biodiversity Monitoring
- Biosphere
- Birds
- Cultural and Ecosystem Stresses Workshops
- Environment
- Fish & Water
- Herptiles
- Invasive Species
- Invertebrates
- Long Point Environmental Folio Publication Series
- Mammals
- Norfolk County Resource Library
- Background Study: Dedrich-Young Creek Watershed (1979)
- Background Study: Nanticoke Creek Watershed (1979)
- Background Study: Sandusk-Stoney Creek Watershed (1979)
- Caring for Your Land: A Stewardship Handbook for Carolinian Canada Landowners (1998)
- Conserving Ontario’s Old Growth Forest Ecosystems (1994)
- Flood Damage Reduction Study for Simcoe, Ontario (1981)
- Forest Management Plan (2000-2019)
- Issues and Solutions Summary Booklet: A New Direction for Turkey Point Provincial Park (1974)
- Long Point Area Monitoring Assessment Project (LPAMAP) (1996)
- Management Plan: Big Creek National Wildlife Area (1984)
- Management Plan: Long Point National Wildlife Area (1983)
- Managing for Sustainable Development and Use of the Long Point Sandy Barrier (1993)
- Natural Heritage Planning in the Carolinian Canada Zone (1999)
- Ontario Commercial Fish Industry – Statistics on Landings 1956-1960
- Ontario Commercial Fish Industry – Statistics on Landings 1966-1970
- Ontario Commercial Fish Industry – Statistics on Landings 1971-1975
- Protection of Wetlands in Ontario: Municipal Planning Response by the Haldimand-Norfolk Region to the Proposed Provincial Policy Statement on Wetlands (1991)
- Public Information Booklet: A New Direction for Turkey Point Provincial Park (1974)
- St. Williams Forest Station Resource Management Plan (1990)
- The Farm Woodlot (1974)
- The Future of Long Point (1972)
- The Spatial Distribution of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Residues in the Sediments of Inner Long Point Bay, Lake Erie (1983)
- Towards A Conservation Strategy for Carolinian Canada – Issues and Options (1996)
- Turkey Point Provincial Park: Preliminary Master Plan (1980)
- Validity and Accuracy of Wetlands Mapping and Classifications and Landowner Notification in the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk (1994)
- Waterfowl