What is a Sustainable Community?
Throughout Canada and the world, quality human and ecological existence means access to clean water, natural habitats, economic opportunities and a health place to bring up children. A sustainable community manages ecological and financial needs while ensuring resources are available for future generations. The mission of the Long Point Biosphere Reserve is to work with partners at all levels to promote sustainable communities within the Biosphere’s core, buffer and area of cooperation. One of the ways the Long Point Biosphere Reserve continues to do this is through the promotion of Sustainable Tourism. Norfolk County is a haven for tourists with its spectacular beaches and natural splendors.
What is Sustainable Tourism?
Sustainable Tourism actively fosters appreciation and stewardship of the natural, cultural and historic resources and special places by local residents, the tourism industry, governments, and visitors. It is tourism which is viable over the long term because it results in a net benefit for the social, economic, natural and cultural environments of the area in which it takes place. (Tourism Industry Association of Canada)
Long Point Biosphere Reserve On-Going Sustainable Tourism Projects
Tourists are Looking for Sustainable Tourism Options
There are multiple studies outlining demand for sustainable tourism, however, be aware that most consumers will not ask for more sustainable options – they expect the tourism provider to just do it!